Foot In The Mouth

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Take 2...3...4...5...6...91

Originally uploaded by bnims.

It's a wrap. Not really, but we did just finish our first day for the short film Brent and I are shooting. And it feels really good. For those of you who don't know, a few months ago, I set a goal to write and shoot a short film within a year. I was thinking that it would happen this spring, but the idea came for a quirky comedy and we had a trip to Indiana planned for Christmas so we thought let's just shoot then. It sounded easy enough. So far, things have been coming along smoothly. Everybody we asked to play parts said yes, we got the locations, some wonderful friends loaned us some equipment, our family has been supportive, and we captured a lovely sunset from on top of the water tower yesterday. It was an experience. We harnessed ourselves and climbed staight up the center of the tower though a tall tube. When we got to the top we opened the hatch and then connected ourselves to the top of the tower about 150 feet above ground. On top of the tower we have about a 4 foot circle to move around on. All for two seconds of sunset. It was the first time I have ever seen Brent scared and confirmed to us his fear of heights. At one point, I suggested a certain angle and he responded, "How about action and you just start acting," as he gripped the flagpole in one hand and the camera in another. It was "classic" as he says. When we came down I felt closer to him than ever! Back to today, our first full shoot day. We shot at "Junebug's" house, that is my Grandma Webb's house. Junebug is playing the part of the grandma in the movie. We had a ball. Even if the film stinks, I will have some funny memories of Junebug and I cracking up. Our enormous crew of...two...Brent and I set up about 10 am and finished tonight around 10 pm. We did take a 3 hour break to go say hi to the boys and go to the grocery store with my dad. I believe we shot seven scenes today. We took care of the lights, sound, costuming, hair and make-up, continuity, cinematography, directing the actors, ect... I feel like a true "independent" filmmaker...he he...we are not doing anything by the book at this point. Hell...who needs a marker? It's fun and satisfying. The only thing that is missing (besides a buget) is our friends. I look forward to fumbling through the next filmic adventure with a few friends by our sides and on the set!!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Feathery Fun & Fish

Right now we are in Indiana and will be here for 3 weeks. So far it's great. We got here Saturday and it's been warm, really warm, for December. Today, my mom, sister, Nathanael, Noah and I went to an aquarium in Cincinnati. I love river towns. Looking at them transports me back in time and I start imagining my life as Huck Finn. I also love aquariums. Some people may find them sad and I can understand their point. But since I am afraid of the ocean and would never scuba dive, I enjoy peaking into the other world that makes up most of earth. Saw lots of amazing creatures that one would expect to see at an aquarium.  Posted by Picasa

We got to pet some sharks, they felt a little like a cats tongue.  Posted by Picasa

Santa made an underwater visit.  Posted by Picasa

But the highlight for me was a rain forest exhibit that was filled with, not fish but, Lorikeets. We fed them nectar from little cups. Noah thought they were tops.  Posted by Picasa

Nathanael was nervous thinking they might bite.   Posted by Picasa

I found them funny, full of personality. Posted by Picasa

Now I want one (along with a penguin), but we have trouble enough finding babysitters for our furry family when traveling, so I don't think that would be wise. Nevertheless they were fun. The boys had a great time and it was fun being with my sister and mom. Now if only we could adjust to the time change.  Posted by Picasa